Is it hard to time our workers?

Let’s face it, none of us would want our boss breathing down our neck, watching our every move would we?

Then how in the world you ask, are we supposed to gather accurate production rates? After all, we cannot submit an accurate bid if we are guessing at production rates. And we can’t gather accurate production rates unless we document, say, at least a day’s worth of work from a worker, right?

Not so fast…

Truth is, a whole day isn’t needed at all!

Tell me…last time you went to a doctor did the nurse check your pulse for one minute? Actually, the nurse most likely checked your pulse for 10 seconds and perhaps multiplied that 10 seconds by 6 (10×6=60 seconds or one minute) and arrived at your heartbeat per minute.

You can adopt similar strategies when you walk on a job, by simply noting where a worker is working at a particular minute, then go about your duty and come back in 30 minutes.

Of course the information that I have just shared is the ‘simple’ version but really, just about anyone can perform time studies successfully over time.

Harry Carter

Carter School of Estimating
My estimating courses cover material, man days, production rates, difficulty factors, overhead and a whole lot more! Call (603) 263-0345 or write today and I’ll change the way you think about a lot of things regarding estimating. Estimating is an art. I’d like to think of myself as a great artist when it comes to estimating. Let me bring out the estimating artist in you.
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Manchester, NH 03104
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