Boasting about a 50% gross profit in the house painting business might raise eyebrows because it’s unusually high for that industry. While not inherently ridiculous, it could be seen as…
The Carter School of Estimating has been teaching the fine art of construction estimating to the drywall and painting industries for almost a half century. One can only imagine what…
I ask this question because I’m always curious as to what your answer will be. I can almost guarantee what you’ll say because though I’m not a gambler, I’ve got…
Let’s face it, none of us would want our boss breathing down our neck, watching our every move would we? Then how in the world you ask, are we supposed…
I’ve heard it and have read it in print so many times. Such a wrong statement…and so foolish! In the last 40 years or so in this profession, I’ve witnessed…
First, let me explain that a ‘bid package’ is typically, a bid that includes the work of one or more related trades. For instance, if you’re a drywall contractor, you…
If you live in cold climate areas, you certainly experience changes (many times extreme) in weather. These changes in weather can make your production take a nosedive and you should…
My estimating courses cover material, man days, production rates, difficulty factors, overhead and a whole lot more! Call (603) 263-0345 or write today and I’ll change the way you think about a lot of things regarding estimating. Estimating is an art. I’d like to think of myself as a great artist when it comes to estimating. Let me bring out the estimating artist in you.